Friday, February 26, 2016

Map of Scotland Golf

Map of Top 100 ranked Courses of Scotland from Today's Golfer U.K.

One part of planning a trip that is important is knowing where you are going.  Sounds obvious, but it is also good to have a basis from which to begin looking. Well here is a great map that I used to help me get a feel for the areas.  To also take this a step further, just FYI to get from Edinburgh to Royal Dornoch is about 3.5 hours, and to get from Edinburgh to Turnberry is about 1.5 hours.  This should give you at least a rough estimate moving forward for anyone that happens to stumble across this blog.  Also, go to Google Maps.  Sometimes people forget to go to obvious sites, but that is just a reminder.  Use it!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Introduction to Golf Journeys in the Kingdom

Golf Journeys in the Kingdom

Hello and welcome.  This blog was created as a way to express my feelings and to tell stories of my 2016 journeys across (primarily) the United Kingdom on the quest to play some of the best courses in the world.

I will have course reviews, stories of my journeys, photos of courses, and other information.  Please also make requests if anything you would like to know or for me to add.

One or two more courses may still be added, but as of today, I will be playing 12 courses on 4 Tours of golf.  The 4 Tours are:

The Frozen Tour (March 5th-8th)  Flying into Edinburgh
  • North Berwick - West Links  Scotland
  • Muirfield Golf Club, home of The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers  Scotland
The Highlands Tour (May 4th-8th)  Flying into Edinburgh with my mother
  • Castle Stuart   Scotland
  • Royal Dornoch   Scotland
The Royalty Tour (May 13-16th)  Flying into London, England and then Dublin, Ireland
  • Royal St. Georges   England
  • Royal Portrush   N. Ireland
  • Royal County Down   N. Ireland
The Open Tour and Finale (July 1st-6th)  TBD Edinburgh or Glasgow
  • Prestwick Golf Club   Scotland this course may get cancelled
  • Turnberry Ailsa Course   Scotland
  • Carnoustie Golf Links   Scotland
  • St. Andrews - Jubilee    Scotland
  • St. Andrews - The Old Course   Scotland
Other Courses on wish list:  Brora, Kingsbarns, Old Head Golf Links, Ballybunion, Cruden Bay, Royal Aberdeen

First Journal Entry - February 25th, 2016

The reasons for this blog and my journeys
This first entry will be a random collection of thoughts to explain the purpose of my journal, as well as to highlight some of the reasons I'm writing this blog and also give a glimpse into the future content.

First off, let's introduce anyone unfamiliar with me.  I am a young professional from the U.S. on a work delegation in Germany.  I have 6 total months in Europe, and 2 of those spent in very cold months that have already passed.  I enjoy traveling, love people, and am always excited to meet more great and interesting people in the world.  I also happen to love/loath golf and have since the age of 12.

One might look at my journeys and wonder why I would spend most of my free time outside of work in Europe on golf?  Well for someone that has never dreamt of golf it probably doesn't make sense to to spend. It's a sport that is rather costly, rather time consuming, and certainly quite frustrating.  It also takes away from time that could be spent traveling elsewhere.  For me though, if I'm spending time alone, I would much rather be on a golf course than anywhere else.

I am not the best golfer, and have had many ups and downs through different injuries and circumstances with this sport and life.  I shot 121 once last year, along with numerous rounds in the 90's on easier courses than I will be playing on this journey; but, I also currently have a 6.5 handicap with many rounds in the 70's just last year as well.  Life is a gift, make the most of the gift today!

Planning Golf Trip(s) across the U.K.
Now that got out of the way the introduction, I will touch on one of the pieces I want to write about and that is the journey itself.  For the first piece on this, I will talk about planning a journey.  The journey I am making will take me across many geographic areas and many courses that I have dreamt of my entire life.  Courses on a bucket list I didn't think I would ever cross off.  I grew up in a small town in the state of Ohio in the United States, and never really believed I would make it on such a journey as this one.  I have been blessed by God and by people in my life that have made an opportunity like this possible.

As anyone that has planned a golf trip in the U.K. on their own knows, it's not at all easy.  You have a ton of logistical issues, weather to consider, and course fees due at the time of booking your trip.  ON top of that, courses are doing maintenance and currently renovating to keep up to date with an evolving game of golf.  Certain courses are extremely difficult to get on, and even the easy ones often times only allow golfers on certain days and times.  Figuring all of that out, along with the timing on how to make the most of your time in Scotland is quite the challenge.

If I were extremely wealthy, this would've been a lot easier.  But being a young adult, still building savings, I tried to also find the cheapest times to fly and times that I could use the least amount of my vacation days.  Quite the task, but pretty happy with how I was able to work in these trips around my holiday and vacation time at work.

My 5 step advice in planning a golf trip in the U.K.:
Step 1 - Begin planning

  1. Read reviews and information from others
  2. Check out all of the course websites first
  3. Rank Courses want to play
  4. Check out flights and locations you can fly out of and into
  5. Map out hopeful plan of courses can play in time/financial budget
Step 2 - Now that have planning, see how feasible it is
  1. Check out rental cars and/or train routes to make sure it is possible
  2. Check out hotel websites and map that out to make sure places are available
  3. Reassess and map out new plan now that have all available information
Step 3 - Make sure courses are available and everything works
  1. Contact all Courses on availability of tee times and costs
  2. Map out all dates, possible times, courses, travel routes and ETA's
  3. Reassess and fix anything that needs changed.  I had to change dates at this point and also changed a couple courses around several times
Step 4 - Book everything ahead of time
  1. Book courses
  2. Book flights, rental car/trains, and hotels 
Step 5 - You've done it
  1. Have fun looking up photos, talking about your journeys, and practice as much as you can to play your best golf possible!